Wednesday, December 30, 2009


    Our house is full of sleeping friends, so this will be very short and sweet. I'm excited to make a super big, proper update tomorrow night, full of words and photos and flipcam videos and 2010 goals and answers to questions and so much more! Tonight was a perfect evening full of fun and silliness, and laughing until my cheeks hurt. I'd love to say more, but I need to get some sleep so I can get to the gym tomorrow morning before brunch!

    Goodnight friends!

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Good morning!

    I'm not sure what it was, but last night I got into a bit of a blue mood, which I don't mind because they're far and few between my happy moods...but still a bummer. Hank goes to bed early these days because he has to be up for work at 7am, so I'm usually up a lot later. It's funny how the roles have switched. I will be back at school on Monday though, and I will be up at 5am each morning for the gym! I don't make New Year's Resolutions, but I do make goals (essentially the same thing but a different name, haha), and one of my goals is to get to the gym at 5am four out of five work mornings. I used to go all the time bright and early, but it's easier to put it off and go late at night when it's empty. I do best when I get it out of the way, and now that Hank is a member of the gym, I can go again with him at night and focus on lifting. So that's one goal I am setting for the new year. But back to my blue mood, I'm unsure where it came from, and I even woke up in poor spirits. I'm feeling one hundred percent better now though, and when I finish this post I'm going to go on a run, do a power clean of the house and then get ready for this evening. Tonight is Hank's company holiday party and I'm looking forward to meeting his coworkers. I've met some of them just due to it being his mom's company, but the majority of people will be new, which is always fun.

    I should mention that I added a formspring over there on the left side of my blog. I'm still working on the last questions from that old Q&A post, but if you ever want to know anything, feel free to formspring it to me. It's totally anonymous, and I will answer your question or address your comment in my very next post!

    Additionally, thank you all SO much for all of your sweet comments and supportive words when I was feeling so weird about this public blog last night. I really appreciated all of them, and you all definitely helped me feel okay about it. I texted with my friend Jenn about it last night too- she is also a teacher who blogs, and that made me feel a lot better as well. So thanks!

    Awhile back I also somehow forgot to mention in the craziness of the holiday that I won a giveaway! Stephanie let me know that I was the winner of her Winter White giveaway and I am so excited to receive the adorable prizes in the mail and post all about them. So thanks again, Stephanie, you are too sweet! <3

    And one more blog-related item: if you are in the mood for a blog makeover in the new year, don't hesitate to visit Lindsay's blog. She designed my adorable layout and she can do yours too! Here's her link.

    OH and as I was writing this, I got my very first formspring question! YAY. I'm excited.

    It says: "Do you ever miss being untattooed? I'm getting ready to get my first and I'm nervous that I'll miss the 'naked' me."

    To be honest, there are times when yes, I will see an old photo of me with that pretty skin and think, wow, look how different I look. It's not that I miss that, it's just different and so interesting to me. Before I got tattooed I would see girls with chest pieces and think that was literally the most insane thing I'd ever seen. Now I am one of those girls! It makes me laugh. But as far as missing being The only thing I miss is being able to wear whatever I want without people giving me weird looks. That gets old. And the constant questions get really old too. And I don't mean on here...I mean some random guy grabbing my arm in a store to ask me questions. It's weird. I know what I was getting into when I chose to become heavily tattooed, and I went through similar things that you're going through. I have a hard time committing to one outfit in a it's interesting I was able to commit to having the same thing on my body for life. Just be sure whatever you get you love, and will love forever and ever. I'm sure you will go through a phase where you're like "Oh my goodness, what have I done," but this is normal. I had a little stage like that when my family initially gave me a hard time. It passed quickly though, and I realized that I only get one shot at this life, and I'm going to enjoy it and do whatever I please with my body. I love tattoos and I'd actually prefer to have a lot more than I do now, including my hands and sides of my neck. Until we have kids though I am working, so a teacher with hand and neck tattoos probably isn't ideal for the public school system. I hope I answered your question- I have a tendency to ramble on a bit!

    Have a beautiful Tuesday everyone! I'm off to go on a run!

    good morning- heading off on a run!

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Thoughts on being a teacher and blogging

    Well, today I was reminded yet again of the fact that what I write is here in a public forum for all eyes to see...including my teenage students and their parents. I was browsing my blog's statistics today and noticed that one of the Google search phrases used to find this site was "Danielle Hampton English teacher." YUCK. I hate thinking about that fact that some of my students and their parents could be reading every little detail about my life. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and enjoy my students...but I definitely don't want them involved in my life in any way outside of the classroom. I livejournaled for many years before I was a teacher, and I have always loved it. I don't think that being a teacher should force me to change what I enjoy doing in my spare time. I don't feel my blog has ANY questionable content, but I am still sitting here, quite uncomfortable knowing that my little life is so out on the table. Granted, it always has been, and it's a given when blogging...but when I'm reminded like this it makes me second-guess my decision to be so public.

    You see all those stories in the newspaper- "Teacher loses job over questionable Facebook photo," it's always a weird feeling to be a teacher and to be on social networking sites and blogs. However, the only thing "questionable" I could even see on this site would be my tattoos- some people just don't agree with them. With that said, tattoos are not a reason to lose a job. You just never know who is reading what you write, and what their perception of the content will be. My blog is hit many times a day with many different blog searches- often my full name is searched for, and I know those could be anyone. But for some reason when I saw the "English teacher" attached it made me incredibly uncomfortable.

    So anyway, I just had to share this little burst of unwelcome insecurity about my blog. I'm currently feeling weird about writing, and I really hope this passes in a minute or two. I'm looking forward to the very near future when a simple Google search won't matter to me. Until then, I'm sure my teacher-self will continue to be uncomfortable.Source URL:
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Sunday, December 27, 2009

New week/last week

    I love new weeks, and this week is especially wonderful because it marks the end of 2009. I first need to apologize big time for the pretty obnoxious year-in-review heavy image posts. I promise I won't do that again. I miss livejournal cuts, and being able to hide everything so neatly. Thanks for continuing to read my blog, even if all of those photos were a bother! As the maker of those memories though, I have to say how nice it is to be able to look back and see all of those happy things. I'm really, really looking forward to 2010 though- Hank and I have some pretty huge things coming up and 2010 may just shape up to be the best year of our lives so far!

    Christmas this year was good to us. I feel very lucky and so incredibly grateful for our generous family members. This evening we celebrated our third Christmas celebration with Hank's Dad and family and one of the presents we received was a Flip Cam! We're so stoked on this little thing and I'm excited to start using it tomorrow. Later in the evening we celebrated Amber's birthday with pizza and a Wii session, and had a great time. I enjoy nights in so much more than going out. Amber and I were discussing how last year we would have been out on the town, but this year is just so much more laid back. I am completely over going out, and I'm unsure if this is just a phase I'm in, or if this is just the way it is. I'm pretty sure it's the latter.

    Tomorrow is going to be a fun day- I am literally cleaning every last nook and cranny of our house! Amber's wise mama says that in order to have a great new year, your house must be clean going into that year. SO...organizing, cleaning, dusting, etc. will take place tomorrow. I'm probably going to be cleaning out my closet too, so I may or may not put some things on ebay. If I do, I'll post a link here.

    Does anyone else get super excited about fresh starts?!

    Stay tuned for a little giveaway (maybe tomorrow), a 2010 post, and a fun video I'm going to start working on tomorrow with the Flip.

    I also wanted to add a little note, inspired by Ms. Biscuit's post here, about how much I appreciate each and every one of you. I read every single one of the blogs I follow every single day, but due to time constraints I can't always comment. But I am reading your posts, promise. I also appreciate every single comment that is left in my blog, and each one makes me smile. I wish there was a feature to comment back on each individual comment, but unfortunately there isn't. Just know that I do read them and see them, and love them. I just want to be sure that you all know that I appreciate you, and I am so grateful for your input and interest in my little corner of the internet- thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. :)



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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy birthday to my darling Amber Joy!

Year in Review- Part Three (VERY image heavy!)

    July 2009

    I started the month with two of my dearest, bestest girls visiting, and we had a great time!

    at esoji

    banger sisters

    We went to a rodeo dance to celebrate 4th of July weekend!

    so many cowboy hats

    paco and me

    kris looking good

    We ate at Hugo's a million times! (mid-bite! haha)

    looking good, me

    sarah's bowl 'o goodness

    We watched the 4th of July Parade from Hank's Dad's place! They always invite the "old folks" to come from the senior center for these choice seats. It is soo adorable to see them all waving flags and cheering, right in the middle of the action!

    cute old people

    "i love america, i guess"

    beautiful sky

    i always feel sad for the horses


    Suki and me hoola-hooping!


    my world!

    Hank and his Dad!

    i love this photo

    the whole family

    love her

    my hubby

    all of us

    amazing sky

    That night Sarah, Hank and I watched the fireworks- it was such a fun time!

    off to get frozen yogurt with hank and sarah

    sarah and me, downtown

    It was a summer of Amber Joy! She was home all summer and I loved every last bit of it. This picture makes me laugh everytime- it was such a funny moment.

    this picture makes me laugh, this moment was too funny

    amber and me

    We took the new houseboat out for a week, and it was a lot of fun! We go to Lake Powell often, and always have the best time. Hank and I both love the water, and the houseboat literally feels like we're on a house! Hank's mom and step-dad always fly their plane there, but we elected to drive a car so we left a day later and met them.

    top level- relaxing on morning one!

    good moooorning! :)

    1st morning!

    so many float toys, YES!

    upstairs, soo many float toys! haha

    Hank jumping off the top level

    stoked Hank

    I haaate this part- the machine that puts the waverunners into the water is so scary to me.


    happy Hamptons

    great spot on the beach

    speedboat being towed by the houseboat, being followed by the waverunners! What a parade!

    on the waverunners following the speedboat, following the houseboat


    Hank and me :)

    beautiful Navajo Point

    boat breakfast! Always cereal for us!

    breakfast time

    moon over Lake Powell

    In July I had a lot of fun nights out with my girlfriends in Phoenix!

    sisters <3

    Kelli in 3D!


    my sister and I got more work done on our sister tattoos!

    Teacup tattoo- session two freshly done, one session to go!

    Tea for two, tea for two!

    cute cute cute

    friends since 1994!

    two of the most important ladies in my life!

    the girls

    and of course in Prescott too!



    our "tourist" pics at 2am


    my love

    We spend so much time outside in our beautiful town!

    hanging out downtown with the puppies

    even our puppies are best friends

    Sarah and Andy in Prescott <3

    Mid-July I took another trip to NYC to spend time with Emily!

    Here I am, fresh off the plane!

    first photo, upon my arrival!

    outside the speakeasy we had a great time in!

    first night...arrived late and so tired!

    Oy Vey!


    We ate the best food (here is the macro platter at Souen)

    delicious lunch at Souen

    before heading out to Westchester

    Grand Central

    love this

    shoes on the street


    view from our lounging spot

    IMG_6481 edit

    leaving the park

    Babycakes cupcakes! Stoked!


    of course, who knows

    heading out for the night

    my heart!

    Emily's happy :)

    at The Levee


    Salsa and me, I love her so much!



    sunnning...with SPF 60!

    girls girls girls

    heading downtown

    oh hey Jesse

    pretty girl

    trying to get a photo of the vicious Salsa! ;)


    red velvet from Magnolia Bakery...SO good.

    red velvet from Magnolia

    beautiful day

    what a night!

    When I got home from NYC, Hank and I left for San Diego for Comic Con! We go every year. Hank is a serious Japanese vinyl toy collector. It's always fun to see friends and hang out!

    On the road-

    hitting the road for San Diego

    view from our beautiful room

    view from our wonderful hotel

    comfiest bed ever



    SDCC Preview Night '09

    Alex and Hank

    weird smile

    Alex interviewing Hank

    Patrick and Hank, Hank is soo happy about this photo


    After the convention we came back home to Prescott, so I could start getting ready to start work back up in about 2 weeks.

    I look creepy but look at HER!

    manicure Wednesday

    manicure Wednesday for both of us!

    Amber and me

    Hour of the Wolf

    we always take these silly bathroom photos

    Docs and mousies

    the same picture again...

    ain't she cute

    manicures! yeah!

    August 2009

    Friday night

    Amber, walking downtown Saturday night

    I started getting my classroom ready-

    first day back in my classroom...5 days to get it re-ready for the kids' arrival!

    our wedding was featured in magazines!

    our feature in this month's Arizona Wedding magazine

    Friday night bow

    in my classroom on a Sunday!

    awesome vintage "Read" posters!

    I went back to work! :)

    2nd day of school :)

    I got stoked on Hank getting back from tour!


    I went to the movies,

    waiting for Julie and Julia to start

    We had more girls' nights in Phoenix!

    sisters 1

    Apples to Apples!



    Erin and Laur

    love these girls so much!

    Day 8

    my night, Sunday edition

    Day 10

    Addy and Hank

    James and Addison



    annnd for some reason I ate a LOT of tabouli in August, haha!

    making homemade tabouli

    Happy Friday!

    Thanks for sharing part of my 2009 with me! I will be back with the final installment next week! xoxo

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