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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
one of my all time favorite books
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here are some random photos from events over the past week!
out with the girls and sweaty from so much dancing!
adie and me at coyote joe's
this photo just makes me laugh because of amb's face. so pissed for some reason!
hank and me at my parents'. i think he looks so beautiful here. lucky me ;)
typical night out with the peters! erin is fixing jps hair. oh i love them.
the whole group for erin's grad dinner hosted by her parents
a delicious pomegranate martini. i'm such a light weight though i could only handle a few sips!
amber joy and me
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Monday, December 29, 2008
sometimes movies really make you think...
tonight i went and saw 'the curious case of benjamin button' and i left the theater feeling a mix of many different emotions. without giving anything away to friends who will be seeing it later this week, i will say that at first i felt incredibly depressed. sometimes if i think too much about life and death i start to feel horrible. i have this great love in my life, my soulmate, and i love him more than words could ever do justice. our love story is a great one, and when movies or books, or even moments in life, make me think about loss, i immediately think about hank and overthink the horrible possibility of loss through death. i avoid thinking about things like that because i am an emotional, sensitive person and i get too sad, but this movie brought up that topic constantly throughout its entirety- almost 3 hours. in fact, one of its themes was death. but life also. the idea of losing hank makes me physically ill. i feel sick just typing it out. but although the film does focus on death and losing loved ones, it also focuses on the here and now of life. how we can't go through life afraid of death, because then we miss life. it's a fine line. i love hank so much and i am so scared of losing him, but i can't fully live our life if i am afraid. so we take chances. we live life. and that is the beauty of it all. 'the curious case of benjamin button' made me think about scary things, but also opened my eyes and reminded me that yes life is short, but we make of it what we will. we have a choice everyday to be whoever or whatever we choose. if something bad happens, we can choose to dwell on it, or accept it and move forward; we can start again. throughout benjamin's life, we see him go through many of the changes and milestones we all go through. there was a part in the movie that focused on him and his love getting their first place, living with no furniture, and sleeping on a single mattress. it really put life into perspective for me because our first place was so small, we slept on a twin mattress for one year in a closet sized room turned into a makeshift bedroom, and had nothing. the movie reminded me that all of those things, all of the hard times, and how it's all a journey. it's all part of this amazing story. and looking where we are now, and looking where we were, i am so thankful i appreciated those silly times in our small one bedroom apartment, sleeping in such a small space, heating our apartment with the oven when our furnace broke, and loving each other when we had nothing. it's such a beautiful thing. i left feeling so sad but so happy at the same time. i found the film to be incredibly enlightening, inspiring, and made me appreciate my love with hank so much i can't really capture it on this screen. i believe in love and i believe in living life fully. and although this movie is incredibly sad, it also truly makes you believe that anything in life is possible and reminds you to never waste time in life, or take people for granted. go see it.Source URL:
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Sunday, December 28, 2008
our amazing honeymoon
miss you moorea- we can't wait to go back!
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4 hours of sleep face
what a weekend! i need a weekend...from my weekend? thank goodness i have off for another week. tomorrow i am planning on having a great workout in the early am and relaxing all day long. amber joy and i may see benjamin button too, awesome. hank and i saw bedtime stories today and it was absolutely darling and the sweetest, most heart warming story. go see it! afterwards we went to costco and picked out this rad nikon dslr as part of our xmas present from hank's dad. it's sooo nice and it's going to be fun learning how to use it. we got the most amazing presents this year- i was blown away and i am so grateful. i love our family. so right now i am going to finish watching this episode of footballers wives, get ready for bed and get some sleep! this week is going to be wonderful.
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there's nothing wrong with frozen yogurt when it's freezing outside
nothing at all!
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good morning!
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amber's birthday
what a night!
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Saturday, December 27, 2008
back from phx
and i am getting prepared for the next busy busy week. tomorrow (well, officially today) is amber's bday and we are having a little birthday celebration tonight. i am so excited. i love birthdays, i love parties, and i love amber! awesome.
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Thursday, December 25, 2008
yay new blackberry!
i ordered this last week and it arrived yesterday! it is so much better than my 8703 model. i was contemplating getting the storm, but laur and hank have it and i really don't like it. i love my cute little pink one!
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merry christmas!
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
thoughts on the new year
i am really looking forward to 2009. this year should be bigger than last year even, with lots of changes and amazing things happening. lots of plans...and i am just so excited for all of the "new" and of our next big milestones as a couple!
so goodbye 2008, i loved you a lot. i hope 2009 treats me just as well.Source URL:
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
my homemade cherry pie baking in the oven!
i love cooking and baking so much! i can't wait to be a housewife and do this everyday. not pie though, because i don't want an obese hubby and or kids! haha. back to the kitchen...
*i edited this entry and put the photo of my 2nd cherry pie here instead, it's much prettier!Source URL:
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i wear flats most days to work so i am always looking for cute ones. i love these new ones i recently got- cute and cheap! i got them in black as well. i don't wear my nice shoes to work because in the past i have spilled printer ink, got whiteboard marker on them (how i don't know), or got stepped on by a muddy foot in our crowded hallway. last year i ruined my favorite white tory burch revas and i have been cautious every since. so yay for these, i don't care if they get trampled and they're still super cute.
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Monday, December 22, 2008
today is almost tomorrow
tomorrow i have so much baking to do. i was supposed to get started tonight but i decided to wait until tomorrow morning. we have 3 christmases to celebrate which means a million presents to wrap! i love christmas so much.
here's a video i just took of madeline burrowing to get comfy, she's so cute and lazy!
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good morning...this is my tired face
i just woke up and it is past 10am! how did that happen?! it is my first "official" day of break though- right now i should just be starting my 3rd period. it feels so good to know i am being paid to sit in bed, drink tea, and watch footballers wives! awesome.
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Sunday, December 21, 2008
4 days!
until amber is hoooome!!!!!
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here are some photos from this weekend-
beautiful simba!
hank and me, he looks so irritated!
and my hair has grown a lot recently. it's half up obviously. yay hair! keep doing your thing!
there are a few more photos on my flickr too!
hank is off to practice now and i am going to watch some freaks and geeks!
xoSource URL:
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Saturday, December 20, 2008
everything else is going really well. it's hard to find things to write about everyday in here, my life isn't that exciting but i am trying to update everyday when i get online to do email or work. at the least it is fun to look back on and read! i just wish i didn't have to deal with weird creeps on flickr. i keep in touch with all of my far away friends through various internet mediums but i have been thinking about making everything private anyway, but i am not sure how to my this blog private to just my friends? does anyone know? the messages from dudes with "hot naked tattooed girls" as one of their groups need to stop. it makes me so sad and feel icky. soooo that's my rant about creeps on the internet. i have had a private myspace and lj for so long that now that i have a public flickr and this, it's strange how different it is!
okay haha dinner time! i hope all of you have a beautiful day :)Source URL:
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Thursday, December 18, 2008
today was,
really and truly adorable!
a baby puppy, but not our baby puppy
happy birthday
very pretty.
and, goodnight!Source URL:
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today was a good day.
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008
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girl, i totally feel ya.
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
keeping warm
it snowed today so i decided to wear my super warm wool dress and long american apparel socks. they are thigh high, or butt high if you're small like me, and are the perfect wintertime solution to short dresses.
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Monday, December 15, 2008
madeline's first snow!
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Sunday, December 14, 2008
more ray caesar, for melissa
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breakfast! my most favorite cereal.
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good morning, sunday

image by ray caesarSource URL:
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lovely love
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Saturday, December 13, 2008
saturday, almost sunday
i love this illustration.
vampire rings! awesome. i forget what site these came from though but i do remember that they were $98 per single ring.
our new home's bedroom inspiration
there's a beautiful, happy summer time feel to this photo.
isn't this cute? it's the exact opposite of me but i still love it. my to do list is always jam packed, but that's how i like it!
i have had this photo saved for awhile, it is perfect to me.
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- one of my all time favorite books
- whirlwind
- sometimes movies really make you think...
- our amazing honeymoon
- 4 hours of sleep face
- there's nothing wrong with frozen yogurt when it's...
- good morning!
- amber's birthday
- back from phx
- yay new blackberry!
- merry christmas!
- thoughts on the new year
- my homemade cherry pie baking in the oven!
- flats
- today is almost tomorrow
- good morning...this is my tired face
- 4 days!
- week-end
- today was a really busy morning so far! i finished...
- today was,
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- girl, i totally feel ya.
- keeping warm
- madeline's first snow!
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- oh marc, you're so silly...
- incredibly cute
- sweet summer, part two
- "bored while the guys watch monday night football"...
- dream a little dream
- december first at 6am - summer wishes?