Monday, May 31, 2010

Blog buttons!

    Hi guys,

    I wanted to let all of you know that I've shared a few more buttons over there on the right hand sidebar, if you'd like to add any to your website or blog! My lovely friend Elsie made the two smaller ones awhile back, so thank you again Elsie, you're the best! And if you haven't already stopped by, be sure to head over to her blog, A Beautiful Mess, for her 24-hour blog party! So fun.

    Here are the links to all four buttons:

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16 week update

    I can't believe I am 4 months pregnant this week. That just seems insane to me to think about how quickly this time is going by! I read that beginning this week (each Thursday is a new week for me), I could begin to feel "flutters" of our baby moving in my belly. Fetal movement begin anytime between 16 and 20 weeks, and I am really looking forward to that. In other baby related news, this week little Baby H is the size of an avocado! That kind of throws off my plans to make homemade guacamole tonight. haha. Just kidding. But anyway, this week the baby can also HEAR sounds...that is so neat and I'm excited to start showing our little one some good music.

    Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.

    At this time, your baby is holding her head erect. Because her muscles are developing, she can make some faces now. Your baby is able to squint, frown and open its mouth. There is enough calcium in the bones that they will show up on an x-ray. Your baby's fingernails are well formed now and the legs are longer than the arms. Because your baby is moving well now, you may begin to feel his movements! Some women say that the early movements feel like gas bubbles or a slight flutter. If you have not yet felt the baby move, don't worry. Fetal movements are usually felt between the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy.

    It's just so, so neat to have this little human growing inside of me! My belly has gotten a bit bigger than last time I posted photos at 14 weeks, and from this point on I will take these every single week, as well as some "cute" maternity photos as my belly gets a bit bigger. Here are my 16 week photos:

    16 weeks side

    16 weeks front

    It's funny to look at these photos because I feel huge but I know I don't look as big as I think. I am indeed bigger overall, and I've been struggling with feeling like my legs and arms aren't as toned, but overall I'm doing okay in the body image department. I know that if I continue to exercise and eat well, whatever changes that happen are happening naturally, just as they should, and I can get back to normal once the baby is born.

    I've been getting a lot of questions on my formspring about our nursery colors and things of that nature. I've had the nursery ideas (both for girl and boy) picked out for some time now, and I will definitely share the theme when we start decorating. This past weekend Hank, my Mom and I went to Buy Buy Baby, a huge baby store in the valley. There were so many cute, cute things and I am getting more and more excited by the day to decorate, and actually buy baby clothes once we know what we're having come June 25th.

    Hank revealed to me that he's thought we are having a girl for the past month, even though he continued to call the baby he, him and Henry IV! hahaha. He says he will be happy with either gender of course, but I know he'd love a boy to carry on his namesake. I don't have a preference either way, and I still don't have a feeling towards whether Baby Hampton is a girl or boy. My Mom thinks girl, Hank thinks girl, and most of my friends think girl. So for those reasons, I'm sure I'm having a boy! ;) We shall see soon enough though. And for names, we are set on both girl and boy names. You all know what our boy name will be, but I'm excited to reveal our super cute name if we do end up having a girl.

    Oh, and I wanted to add that I swear Madeline can tell I'm pregnant. She's so sweet and gentle, and will often come up and lay her head right on my belly. I wonder if her super-sensitive ears can pick up on the heartbeat. Hank says no, but I like to think that's what she's doing with her ear to my stomach! I know she'll be a great friend to the baby!

    Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs
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Think Pink!

    Hi everyone,

    I wanted to post about an awesome charity event a friend of mine in Mesa is doing, in the hopes that some of you may be interested in supporting her! Above you will find a photo of the adorable Lindsey and her two children- she is undertaking a 3-day, 60-mile walk where all proceeds with go directly to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. My Mom is a survivor, so this hits especially close to home, and I applaud Lindsey for making this long trek for an amazing cause. Lindsey is a crafty, fun, over-achieving "super mom," a great wife, and still manages to make time to work as a hair stylist, AND walk for three days! Amazing. I hope all of you check out her blog and this link to learn more about how you can help.

    As always, thanks guys! Have a beautiful Tuesday. :)

    Lindsay's race blog:
    3 Day Race site: URL:
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Happy Anniversary to my amazing husband!

    Two years ago today I said "I do" to my best friend!

    I still get chills thinking about that amazing day and how beautiful it was to be able to share it with all of the people we love so much. I feel incredibly lucky to have found Hank, and everyday I reflect on what an amazing partner he is. Kind, loving, compassionate, fun, so incredibly handsome...he is truly the best person I've ever met in my life and I'm truly PROUD to call him my husband.


    perfect lighting






    If you'd like to read more about our wedding, my friend Melissa featured it on her wedding blog awhile back. Click here to head over to The Loveliest Day.

    We celebrated our first anniversary last year at the beach in New Jersey. It was at the beginning of our three-week East Coast trip, and it was such a perfect day. I can't wait for our anniversary trip to Hawaii, and to spend another romantic week with my husband in celebration of our marriage.

    Happy Anniversary to us! ;)Source URL:
    Visit sweet tattoo for girls wallpaper for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

    It's wonderful Sunday and I'm totally exhausted after spending a great weekend with my family. It was fun celebrating both Hank and my birthdays (his is on June 1st), and it was nice dedicating the entire time to family, rather than running around trying to get things done and see friends. I am finally feeling like it's summer, and I'm sure that's mainly due to the summer time barbecue we had, and all the time in the sun and in the pool at my parents'. And what a relief to NOT have to go back to work tomorrow. I have a nice day of relaxation planned- gym early in the morning and then I'll be getting things done around the house.

    I hope all of you are having an excellent holiday weekend! Here are a few photos I snapped yesterday. I really need to take some belly photos so I will be doing that this week as well. Have a great Monday!

    parents' backyard

    Madeline is SUCH a water dog and hates getting out of the pool! It's so cute.
    Boston with a purpose!

    water dog

    a good Dad

    It's our birthday!

    Hank loves Carvel ever since his first trip back to NJ with us a few years ago!
    Hank's favorite- Carvel ice cream cake


    and for a fun comparison, here's us LAST year, celebrating in Vermont! We have six years of photos of blowing out our birthday candles together. I love that and feel so lucky to have our birthday just days apart.

    making a wish

    my sister's newest tattoo!
    Lauren's new tattoo

    hanging out with my grumpy girl
    love her!Source URL:
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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Another year older...

    and definitely another year wiser! I love birthdays so much- I'm definitely not the type to get sad about growing another year older, I think of it as another year of life, which is pretty exciting! On my birthday I think of it kind of like New Year's Eve...I ask myself what I accomplished over the past year, and what goals I can make for the next. This upcoming year is going to be the most pivotal year of my life so far!

    birthday girl ;)

    So, here's to last year. It was wonderful. I fell more in love with Hank, my family, and myself. I feel like I emotionally grew a lot as a person and if I had to gauge it, I would say I'm absolutely happier than last year. In my eyes, that says success to me!

    Thank you to all of you who have been a part of my life over the past year. Whether you're a family member who is reading this, an old friend, a new friend, a blog friend...someone who visits this site...thank you! Your positivity energy and support has been wonderful and I appreciate it so much!

    Today's been wonderful. I slept in really late, then had a great workout. We've spent the day snacking, swimming, and sunning! Our family barbecue will be starting in a bit. It's seriously a perfect birthday. I'm off to hang out with my family. I hope all of you are having a beautiful weekend!Source URL:
    Visit sweet tattoo for girls wallpaper for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
Friday, May 28, 2010

Music recommendation

    Hi everyone! I wanted to make a quick post about one of my most favorite hip hop artists, Fashawn. Hank actually turned me onto this guy, as he is a friend of his friend Chris in Fresno. The first time I heard his mixtapes I fell in love with him, and every single song on his album, Boy Meets World, is just so good. I'm not sure if many of you are into this type of music, but if you are (and even if you aren't), you should give him a listen! And really check out that whole album outside of the video I posted below, the songs are phenomenal.

    Download Fashawn's album at Itunes.

    One of my favorite songs on Boy Meets World:

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tweet! ...and an upcoming giveaway!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Emotional nesting

    image from weheartit

    With all of these changes going on in my little world, I've become very evaluative of the people and things in my life as of late. Becoming a mother is the craziest thing I will ever do. If I think really hard about it, and think about Hank and my life, for the rest of our life, it's pretty wild to know that we are bringing a little person along on this journey. It makes me want to cry from happiness, and conversely makes me so, so incredibly scared. What a responsibility. What an insanely terrifying thing to have a little being rely on you completely. And how beautiful it is to be able to create this life, to nurture it, and to give it so much love. I believe that because I'm a thinker, because I take everything apart in my mind, I'm in this evaluative state. In a way, I feel like I'm emotionally nesting and taking inventory of my life, the people in it, and the kind of future I want for our family. Because I've had the same core friends for over a decade, I've had a sense of stability in terms of friendship on a deep level. I've made new friends here and there, but as time marches on, I've found that so many friendships have faded away. It happens. People change, people grow up, people move on. Recently, I've been thinking a lot about relationships. I write a lot about this topic in this space because it's really something that is on my mind a lot.

    I have a few questions for all of you, and I'd love your input.

    1) Do you have people in your life that you feel obligated to speak to or spend time with just because you have a history and not necessarily because you enjoy your time spent with them? Do you feel guilty if you don't stay in communication? Does it ever feel forced?

    2) If so, why do you continue to keep someone in your life if you don't feel they add anything positive to it?

    These are some questions I've asked myself recently.
    I'm at a point now where I just don't care to even deal with the negative. If you bring more negativity to my life than positivity, no thank you. If there isn't a mutual happiness when the other person experiences happiness or success, no thank you. If I feel that you aren't trust worthy, no thank you. I feel like perhaps I sound a bit harsh or a bit "much," but wouldn't you agree that because life is so short, it's pretty imperative to be choosy? When I think about where I am going in my life, and all of the people I love that I want to be a part of it, there is just no time to deal with these negative nellies. And I understand that not everyone is happy all of the time- I'm proof of that. And because I do deal with depression from time to time I understand that part of a friendship is listening to the good and bad, allowing someone to vent, and being there for them rain or shine, through happiness and crises alike. I'm more trying to get at the negative-all-the-time kinda "friend," the person who can't be happy for you when something good happens, the one who always seems to have a negative comment, either direct or indirect. The kind of people who leave you feeling emotionally drained and exhausted. Those are the types of people I'm talking about.

    I'm not sure if all of this made sense. I started typing, and it kind of all came out. The main point is that I feel I am just really emotionally taking stock of my life. I know what works, and I know what doesn't. I know what kind of people I want to surround myself and my family with. Source URL:
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010


    Hank and I go to Comic Convention every year, and yet again it will be taking place in San Diego this summer. It's always SUCH a fun time, and I really look forward to seeing our friends more than anything. The week is always filled with lots of laughs, good food, and tons of swimming. This year will be a little different as we're expecting our first child, so I'm excited to find all sorts of fun toys and goodies for our little one. I know Hank will be on the hunt for some original art to hang in the nursery, and I'm sure I'll find a few cute plushies. Can't wait. This year the hotel booking system was pretty horrible, so we only just got our rooms confirmed. We usually stay at a hotel that's really close to the convention (walking distance), but apparently it was sold out this year, so we'll be at one a bit farther away (5 miles) but with much better ammenities. I can't wait to sun my pregnant belly and swim all day long while Hank is at the convention. I usually only go for one to two days, which is definitely enough for me, and I enjoy relaxing and shopping during the other days. This year I am hoping to spend as much time as possible with one of my childhood best friends and family friends (we call each others' parents Aunt and Uncle) who recently moved to San Diego from New Jersey with her new husband who is a Marine.

    In the spirit of Comic-Con, here are a few photos from last year!

    driving to CA! I was gracious enough to drive for awhile ;)
    hitting the road for San Diego

    at Super7's annual Preview Night dinner
    SDCC Preview Night '09

    look good enough to eat! candy :)

    at Pokez
    Hank and Scott

    I don't know who the dude is...but his costume was intense

    Happy Friendship Anniversary, you two!



    and I can't resist...a couple from the year before!

    hank is so excited!

    Scott and Hank, typical
    scott and hank

    Gargamel guys
    hank and gargamel guys


    darth vader the pedestrian, totally normal

    So now, the question...are any of you going to Comic-Con? :)Source URL:
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