Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tattoo Tuesday V.33

    *Before I post this week's feature I'd like to make something very clear. When I feature my friends or readers in this space, it is NOT so they can be cut down or have rude/nasty comments made about anything they are sharing. It's one thing to leave a comment on this blog in regards to a post that I make- I couldn't care less and I see it as par for the course- but these are my guests, and I simply won't tolerate that kind of nonsense. From now on if you don't have something nice to say on a feature post here, DON'T SAY IT AT ALL. It's not welcome and I simply won't have you rude, anonymous people treating guests of my blog in such a disrespectful way. I wouldn't allow it in my home, and I won't allow it in my internet home. So, with that little bit of negativity out of the way, on to some happiness, shall we? :)

    This week I am featuring one of my FAVORITE people in the entire blogging world ever, my friend Megan! Megan and I have been reading each others' blogs for a couple of years now, and I absolutely adore this wonderful woman. She's a huge inspiration to me, incredibly sweet and intelligent, and on the top of my "I can't wait to meet you" list. Do yourself a favor and visit her blog if you're looking to become inspired by clean/healthy eating, a do-it-yourself kinda mama, and her daily photos of her beautiful self and family. She is only 20 years old, but is incredibly wise beyond her years. Featuring her here is long overdue, and I'm excited to share her words and photos with all of you. So thanks Megan for being a part of this series!

    Name and blog name: Megan! - www.meganislove.tumblr.com

    Age: 20

    Occupation: Army Wife & Stay at home mom to my wonderful daughter, Scarlett!

    Age of first tattoo: 17

    Favorite tattoo: I'd have to say that would be my newest addition, my lighthouse.

    Featured tattoo/location: Lighthouse on right forearm.

    Artist/shop/location of feature tattoo: Kane at Spider Monkey tattoo in Olympia, Washington.

    1) Tell us about the tattoo you are sharing with us- is there a background story or special meaning? Why did you choose this particular piece of art?

    I've always loved Nautical Artwork, but found myself really falling in love with it, after my husband joined the Army ( yep! not the Navy! funny huh?). The symbolism I took with the lighthouse was, no matter how far (you're out to sea) or lost in life, there will always be a lighthouse (or light) guiding you back home. For me, being whipped away from all of my family and friends, and dealing with the Military life represented that. It was hard to always see the light at the end of the tunnel - Getting my lighthouse, helps me realize that no matter how hard things get - there will always be a 'light'. I also asked my artist to specifically include an Anchor to my piece - to me, an anchor symbolizes "stability" and for my husband and I, getting to that point has been a hard and rocky road, but we are finally there! and I wanted to commemorate that moment! :)

    2) Do you have any other tattoos? If so, what do you have and where?

    Yes! I have a 1/2 sleeve of two newlyweds, Dia de los Muertos style! I'm absolutely in love with this tattoo, but most of all, my artist included two little love birds sitting in a tree behind the groom :) - I also have a diamond on my right wrist, "Don't Panic" on my left forearm (not because of Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy! haha. more of just a reminder to myself! :) and Ben's initials down in my...pelvic region :)

    3) Do you plan on getting more?

    Oh yes, definitely! I have a couple more pieces being planned right now. I've been thinking of something special for my daughter, but nothing is good enough, yet! :)

    4) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoo(s)? Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them?

    Ah, I've been waiting to answer this question! :) I know this sounds absolutely horrible - but, my mother didn't know about any of my tattoos, until a year and a HALF after I got them! She absolutely despises them, and I was so scared she'd disown me (not even kidding), I just couldn't tell her..but of course, she ended up finding out, and absolutely LOVES the ones I have. She makes subtle hints here and there, about how she really thinks the one's I have are ENOUGH, but she also supports everything I choose in my life and I couldn't love her more.
    But negativity? Oh sure! Moms look at me differently because of them, but I know the art on my skin, doesn't make me any less of a mother, so it doesn't matter to me! :)

    5) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet?

    A friend once told me, when I was struggling on the drawing for my tattoo, "tattoo artists...are...artists! shoot out some words that are meaningful to you, (regarding the tattoo you want) and let them come up with something! That's their job!"
    & That's exactly what I've done with every tattoo! I give them some key notes about what I want and let their minds go to work. I end up loving what they come up with every time!

    Source URL: https://sweettattooforgirls.blogspot.com/2010/08/
    Visit sweet tattoo for girls wallpaper for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
Monday, August 30, 2010

I love Sunday, on a Monday.

    This weekend was so great. I came down to my parents' with two set goals in mind: finding Lauren's wedding dress and starting the search for furniture for the new house. The first of the two was a total success and the second remains a work in progress of course, but I definitely checked some things off of our list. The dress Lauren found is absolutely amazing. We knew it was "the one" right away, and it looks like it was made for her. I obviously can't share photos, but in March you'll be able to see it in all its glory!

    Speaking of, it's amazing to me to see my baby sister all grown up. Granted, she's not a baby anymore but it's still a little crazy to know she will be getting married in a few months. I can't wait to stand up on her wedding day, as her Matron of Honor. It's going to be the most beautiful day and all of her planning and hard work is going to pay off and I am excited to see her so happy. I'm kind of obsessed with planning and weddings, and all things LOVE so it's so fun to see all of this taking shape. We also spent a bit of our weekend doing some furniture shopping, and I'm getting more and more excited to finally close, move in, and decorate! With about 10 weeks to go until baby Henry's due date, it's just starting to stress me out that we have absolutely nothing done, bought, put together, or figured out! AH! That's stressful to even type. However, I know it will all come together once we are in the new place, but right now it's just hard to be in the in between.

    While at my parents' home I always get totally inspired to eat even healthier due to my Mom. Right now she is completely vegan and eats a diet of mainly vegetables and grains like quinoa (one of my all-time favorite foods). She always comes up with the best, most interesting recipes, and I love love love trying the things she makes. Last time I was there she made this amazing raw apple and fruit dessert that I've been thinking about it every day since then. Unfortunately she didn't make it this time- THANKS FOR NOTHING MOM ;), but hopefully she will next time. Hint, hint! If she does, I will be sure to share the recipe, I think you guys will love it too.

    Short post, but I'll be back tomorrow morning with my Tattoo Tuesday feature! Here are some photos from the weekend-

    prettiest rainbow ever! This photo doesn't even do it justice.

    Lauren trying on dresses

    29 weeks pregnant and heading to the gym :)

    an "H" for Henry's nursery, via Anthropologie

    the fruits of my weekend shopping for AFTER Henry is born. I figure if I see something cute I should just get it now right? I won't be pregnant forever. ;)

    on the open road home to Hank :)
    Source URL: https://sweettattooforgirls.blogspot.com/2010/08/
    Visit sweet tattoo for girls wallpaper for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Soundtrack to happy

    We all have those songs in our lives, the songs that when we hear them, they take us back to a really wonderful, happy time. Music is powerful. Some of my most vivid memories are attached to different songs, and different times of my life can be recollected when I hear certain albums. Recently I was driving in the car, listening to my ipod on shuffle, when a particular song came on that I hadn't heard in some time, "Everything Must Go" by the Weakerthans. Immediately I was brought back to 2004, and waking up at Hank's house, that song being the alarm tone on his phone every morning. Hearing it made me feel like I was right there, waiting for the leaves to turn orange and red and yellow up in Prescott, laying together for hours, being young, and getting to know everything about one another in a time that really was the very beginning of us. This song reminds me of Hank, it reminds me of the fall, and it reminds me of the two or three days I would spend with him at a time, as we ventured into long-distance relationship territory during that autumn. When I hear it I feel inspired, I feel so very alive, and it truly makes my heart skip a small beat to think about what a wonderful, naive, and blissful time that was. Young love.

    Almost exactly a year later we moved in together to our first place, and August fell away on the calendar as September arrived with an autumn chill. We celebrated our first anniversary, one year together during that month. Unfortunately I was incredibly sick, to point of not being able to leave the house and go on the romantic date Hank had planned for us to celebrate the occasion. I was stuffy, my stomach hurt, and I was experiencing the tail-end of a bad flu. I remember feeling beyond disappointed and let down. This wonderful man, who I'd spent the last year of my life falling in love with, had tried to plan this beautiful evening, and all I could do was sit on the couch in my pajamas and try to muster up the strength to do just about anything. I was so sad, and as the night progressed I only became sadder. It must have been 11 o'clock pm when Hank suddenly got up from our little nest and plugged in his ipod. All of a sudden Elvis Presley's "Love Me Tender" came on the speakers, and Hank reached for my hand. There, in our 1905 shoebox of an apartment, the streetlight illuminating us through the window while the wood floors creaked beneath our feet, we had our first dance to that beautiful song, to celebrate a most wonderful year. Three years later I'd hear that song again, when we shared our next "first" dance at our wedding. To this day, no matter how many time I hear it played, I still get the chills thinking back to all of the memories tied to it.

    Do you have any "special" songs that remind you of a wonderful time? If you're inspired, post about it on your blog, and share the link here, or just add a comment telling us what song strikes a chord in your heart. I'd love to know!

    DanielleSource URL: https://sweettattooforgirls.blogspot.com/2010/08/
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

10 things I've learned in my 20s, Part 2

    10 things

    Here is the second part to my "10 things I've learned in my 20s" post. You can view part one by clicking here. And don't forget to leave a link in the comments if you make a list of your own; I'd love to read it. This was so fun to write, and it was definitely an introspective, self-growth kind of process. Thanks again for reading!

    Just to recap- and again, see part one for the full write up- here are my first five lessons:

    1) Never let anyone else make you feel bad about your choices.
    2) Get into the habit of working out.
    3) Don't be flaky.
    4) Do not, do not, do not change yourself to suit a guy.
    5) Not everyone will like you.

    and the final five...

    6) Don't rush. I can't tell you how many times over my teenage and college years I would be thinking of what's next, what's coming in the horizon, what I could look forward to. Looking back, I feel like I always had my mind on the next milestone, plan, weekend, etc. and although I do feel this kind of thinking can be great...I think if you're too caught up in the "next" thing, you're bound to miss a lot. I remember when Hank and I first moved in with each other, in 2005. We rented the tiniest little apartment right downtown. I've mentioned it before, but it was basically a studio, but had a small, closet-like space that fit only a twin bed, with room for nothing else. I can remember in the beginning of that experience I kept talking about our next place, the next thing...and I can remember Hank saying to me, "Just take this in NOW, this is the beginning of us, and we will never be able to go back to these days again." That reminder was all I needed to be more present, and I cherished every single day we spent building the beginning of our life together, twin bed and all. It became our tiny little love nest, and we both look back so fondly on that adorable little apartment every time we walk or drive by it while downtown. I'm lucky I have someone who is so in tune with the important things in life because I would have been so sad had I missed all of it, hoping for the next thing to come along too quickly. And I think that can be applied to anything in life. I'm so happy I followed this advice, and slowly took in the many stages my life has had since that realization- falling in love, getting engaged, moving into different places, planning a wedding and getting married, many trips with my girlfriends and family, milestones for my loved ones, the process of buying our first home, and being pregnant. I feel like I've been so present for each thing, and I am beyond thankful for that.

    7) Every single day is a choice to be either positive or negative. This has taken me the longest of all of my lessons to master, but luckily I am pretty much there. There were so many times over the past ten years or so when I would almost choose to be in a bad mood. I knew exactly what I was doing, made the conscious effort to just "give in" to feeling like shit, and instead of trying to cheer myself up I would just fall deeper into negativity. The older I got the more I realized that I control quite a bit in my little world- and although I can't control other people, I can control my reactions to them, in in turn, my mood. I can wake up and decide to have an awesome day, or I can wake up and let little things annoy me and in turn have a bad day. It's all about that first decision.

    8) It's okay to let go; people change. Over the past decade of my life I've had lots of friends- high school friends, friends from different places I've worked, college, etc. It's hard when you've been friends with someone for a long time, and then life goes on, and you move on...and the friendship isn't what it once was. It can cause a lot of grief and upset feelings when friends drift apart, but I strongly believe that this is a natural thing that happens and it's best to just let things be as they will be. That's not to say to stop making an effort and let that fall to the wayside, but more so in the case of the "natural drift" (I'm sure you know what I mean). There's a lot of people I care for deeply, but we just aren't as close as we used to be. There aren't hard feelings, there's no weirdness, it's just a mutual understanding that at this time in our lives our relationship has a bit of a different definition. It's funny because sometimes friends come into your life, and then out, and then sometimes they come back in. One of my closest friends, let's call her S., was my best friend for a long time, at the end of college and for years after. We drifted apart a bit, but after I got married we came back into great touch and although we don't talk all of the time, she is one of the most important people in my life and will be an Auntie to our son. I really believe that it's okay for this to happen with friends. I feel like we try to hold on a lot to "what was," or what a relationship used to be, but in reality, everything is always changing- people, circumstances, friendships...so it seems only natural that if two people don't change in the same way, things will shift. You can accept it, keep loving your friend, and know that in time everything works itself out just as it should. Everything has a season, and whether that season is for a year or a lifetime, it's okay.

    9) It's not that big of a deal. Have you ever been through something terrible, and while it was going on you thought to yourself, "Oh my god, this is the WORST. How am I ever going to get through this?!" I'm sure you've had moments like that, I've had my fair share like I'm sure everyone has. This lesson is only learned after going through this horrible, bad thing, and coming out on the other side. I can think of so many instances that seemed like it was the end of the world for me. In my early twenties, I can think of some seemingly life-changing moments- breaking up with a boyfriend, having drama with a friend, getting into a fight with my parents, failing a "huge" test...and guess what? In the span of things, time goes by, and all of these instances that seemed so big and life altering are just bumps in the road, lessons to be learned, and memories, as your present becomes your past. It's good to live in the moment and to feel those emotions, but always keep in the back of your mind that you've been there before, and you'll be there again...this too shall pass. Thinking this helps me see the big picture when I think that things just can't get worse, or when I feel down in the dumps. For every up there is a down, and vice versa. It's just the way it goes. Accepting this, and knowing that it WILL get better is key.

    10) Don't let anyone else's definition of happiness/success/life make you question your own definition of those things. This is the last lesson on my list, and I think it's the most powerful lesson of all that I've learned. Similar to my number one lesson, but still different in its own right. No matter what you do in life, no matter who you surround yourself with, there is always going to be someone who doesn't understand why you choose to do what you do, why you've chosen a certain career, partner, passion, or life path (hell, you can even add to that list outfit, tattoo, or sandwich at lunch!). Sometimes these people can be your parents, your friends, or even someone you don't know at all. Maybe you're a musician who has a dream of touring around the country in a van, with four of your best friends. Maybe you want to be an artist, but your parents think you should be a doctor. Maybe you are happy working, and college isn't for you. Or maybe you want to GO to college, but your friends think that's lame. Who knows. But someone will always have an opinion and someone will always NOT understand how on earth you could be HAPPY doing what you're doing. That's because they are imposing their definition of happiness onto you, even though you are totally different people with totally different goals and hopes and dreams. Even at this point in my life, when old classmates or friends find out that I won't be "using" my Bachelor's and Master's degree and will instead be staying home to raise and take care of my family, they are shocked. They don't "get" how I could be happy doing that. And they don't get it because again, it goes against THEIR idea of happiness. Hank traveled in and out of the country right out of high school with his band Life in Pictures, and a lot of his family didn't get it. When I started dating Hank and he was gone for months at a time, and some of my friends didn't get it. They were appalled that he could "leave me like that," but again, they could never really get it because they have different ideas of what happiness is. Believe me when I tell you that if you worry about what ANYONE thinks when you are making big life decisions, you will never be happy. You can't go to law school to please a parent, and you shouldn't not join the Peace Corps, start a small business, or fall in love with who you love just to please another person. How are you supposed to live an entire life (hello, you only get one!) for someone else? You have to follow your idea and definition of success and I guarantee you will find happiness in whatever that may be. Granted, the journey of actually finding your happiness is another topic for another day, but following your heart is a good start. ;)

    I also thought I'd include 10 "smaller" things that I've learned along the way -

    1) People really are the company they keep.
    2) If someone talks shit about everyone, it's pretty probable they talk shit about you too.
    3) Negativity is contagious.
    4) Follow your gut, it's usually right.
    5) Mean girls are just sad, insecure girls. Don't let them affect you.
    6) Stop comparing yourself to others. There will always be someone smarter, prettier, luckier, etc.
    7) Quality over quantity is a good rule for most everything.
    8) It's NEVER too late to make a change in your life.
    9) The grass isn't always greener.
    10) Do wild and crazy things/take spontaneous trips/fall in love a million times while you're young, you'll be in a different place in your life before you know it, and all of these things either a) won't seem appealing or b) won't be possible. And experiencing a multitude of these things are important things to learn from and to be able to look back on as you build your life in your late twenties and thirties.Source URL: https://sweettattooforgirls.blogspot.com/2010/08/
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tattoo Tuesday V.32

    This week I am featuring one of the sweetest, cutest ladies in the blogging world, Ms. Kyla Roma! If you don't already read her blog do yourself a favor and pop on over to say hello. She's always posting tons of goodness and her site always a fun, engaging read. Kyla also has some beautiful artwork on her body, and I'm so happy she was excited to share them with all of you!

    Name and blog name: Kyla Roma - http://www.kylaroma.com

    Age: 25

    Occupation: Blog designer for Freckled Nest & part time receptionist

    Age of first tattoo: 18

    Favorite tattoo: My shoulder piece!

    Featured tattoo/location: My cherry blossom shoulder piece & partial sleeve

    Artist/shop/location of featured tattoo: Rich at Kapala Tattoo in Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada!)

    1) Tell us about the tattoo you are sharing with us- is there a background story or special meaning? Why did you choose this particular piece of art?

    I love Japanese art and mythology, and because I have a koi fish on my back I wanted something that would work with that visually. Cherry blossoms can represent both the beauty and brevity of life, but beyond that they're just beautiful and are everywhere in my favourite city, Vancouver. I've been going out there every year to visit my best friend for a long time, and it's a place where I can go to regroup and get away from the daily grind. It's a reminder to myself to focus on the beautiful things in life, and to not take things so seriously.

    2) Do you have any other tattoos? If so, what do you have and where?

    I have a 8"
    koi fish swimming on my back that was my first tattoo I got when I was 18. My favourite thing about her is the expression on her face - she's a very happy and feminine fish!

    3) Do you plan on getting more?

    Yes! I'm planning to make both my arms half sleeves, to pull the cherry blossoms down below my elbow on my left arm and to incorporate some colourful and detailled birds on both arms. I have lots of ideas for when I have more spending money.

    4) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoo(s)? Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them?

    I anticipated that I would get negative reactions, but it really hasn't happened.
    I've had a coworker make fun of my shoulder piece once, but I think that really comes from a place of not taking the time to understand, or not knowing what to say.

    My family is used to the tattoo on my back, and they're still getting used to my shoulder piece. Everyone has been kind and curious, if a little taken aback, but they all know me really well and think it suits me. I'm still wearing cardigans around my grandparents, but they're really sweet people who try to understand what I'm going through, so I'm not going to keep it hidden forever.

    Generally I've been a little surprised by the amount of staring that people do at tattoos, but I've already started tuning it out and I don't notice too much any more. Mostly it's been really positive because I've wanted this for so long, and to finally have it feels fantastic. When someone comments on how beautiful they think it is, it really makes my day.

    5) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet?

    Public Service Announcement: Being tattooed on top of your collarbone is a really special kind of awful. I love mine, but I'm not sure that I'll do the top of my shoulders when I do my right arm! Make sure you eat a good meal about an hour before you go to your appointment so you don't run out of energy. Long sessions are exhausting, and sugary drinks can really help you. And if your shop doesn't have a TV, bring a laptop and a bunch of DVDs.

    Also, don't be a hero! If your artist has a long wait list, book two appointments to shade & colour a large piece up front. My artist had a four month waiting list, and when we did the colour it lasted for just shy of five hours. Had I thought ahead and scheduled two appointments I could have had the colour done with only a few weeks between appointments instead of having to do it all at once or wait four months.

    Source URL: https://sweettattooforgirls.blogspot.com/2010/08/
    Visit sweet tattoo for girls wallpaper for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
Monday, August 23, 2010

On Aging

    my Grandmother's hand <3

    I'm not sure if I'm in the minority here, but when I think about getting older, it doesn't bother me one bit. I've never been one to shy away from celebrating a birthday- in fact, I absolutely love them and really enjoy not just my own, but everyone else's too. As the years go by, I've noticed that my love for turning another year older has become more of the oddity than the norm. I've also noticed that with this fear of aging, comes an acceptance of holding onto youth. I'm definitely not one to judge but I do not get this at all. I don't understand trying to hold onto what you looked like before, when this is now, not then. I don't understand risking your life to cut, tuck and snip unwanted body parts up, up and away. I don't understand trying to mask years of emotion and experience by freezing your facial muscles into place. I just don't.

    At 28 years old, I've already seen a large number of my friends and acquaintances get all sorts of procedures. Although I accept my friends and I support whatever decision they want to make in regards to their body, it makes me incredibly sad. What is it about our culture that makes women feel like they need to change who they are to suit some notion we have of beauty or youth? Why can't we accept that every stage of life is beautiful? Now- I know some of you reading this may have gotten said procedures, and I hope you know again, I am absolutely not here to judge. I'm simply coming from another side. In fact, if you are in support of the things I've mentioned I'd genuinely love to hear your viewpoints. I understand that in many cases, people feel insecure about certain aspects of their bodies, and plastic surgery or other procedures can help them feel more confident. As always, live and let live; more power to you. I'm not questioning your decision to have the procedure because I know everyone has a reason to do what they do, but I'm more so questioning the basis of the thought process there- what about our culture drives women to make decisions like that?

    In all actuality, I think the biggest confusion for me comes in the form of Botox or other injections. One of the things I don't get, and will never ever get, is how someone could inject something into their face without knowing the true implications of the product. Because Botox, Restylane, and the like are fairly new and have been widely used for less than 15-20 years...how on Earth can we even begin to guess the long term affects of these procedures? Even if something is deemed "safe" now, how do we know what will happen in 30, 40, 50 years? These chemicals people are injecting into their bodies are just that- chemicals. And we truly don't know what will happen in a few years from now because this is all uncharted territory. Will they cause Cancer? Loss of all muscle use in the face at age 60? Who knows.

    I just started noticing the very beginning of fine lines around my eyes and although I regularly use eye cream and will continue to use eye cream, I feel that wrinkles and lines are inevitable. It's okay to age. It's okay to not look like a teenager when I'll be 30 in two years. I'll make smart choices and use the right products to look the best I can, but it's inevitable- my body, face, and overall self will absolutely change with time. When I see older women with lines on their face, I know each of those lines holds a story- each laugh line was made through the repeated gesture of smiling, and even those brow furrows came from more thoughts than we could imagine. I hope that as I continue to age I will be able to accept all of the changes my body will go through. I know it's easier said than done, especially since I haven't really experienced much of the process yet, but I think with awareness and mindfulness it will be easier. Right now my body is housing another, and after our baby is born my body won't ever be the same. And that is okay with me. Trying to hold on, trying to make things the way they were...this is just not a natural thing in my eyes. Time goes on, aging happens. I want to embrace each number I see, be it 30, 40, or 80, with happiness and celebration that I have made it another year, or forty. I want my face to show everywhere I've been, and I want to be around other women who accept these things about each other rather than peer pressure one another to get the latest procedure and try everything under the sun to turn back time. This is not "Death Becomes Her," and there is no fountain of youth. All we can do is treat our bodies with the utmost respect and do things that keep us feeling youthful and keep our bodies in the best shape possible. We can wear sunscreen and eat fresh foods, exercise, take vitamins and use good for us products. All we can do is make choices that benefit our health, and in turn benefit our spirit. And if I'm doing the best I can, I am going to accept every single wrinkle and change that transpires. I can't wait to be 80, tattooed and wrinkly, and hopefully have a happy life full of self-acceptance to look back on. I write this as a reminder to myself, a reminder to cherish every little step in this journey and to ACCEPT every change, for it is truly, truly inevitable. I hope you'll join me in working towards this acceptance of aging, and in turn an acceptance of ourselves. This may be slightly irrelevant to some of you- many of you are possibly quite a bit younger, but I think it's always something to think about. When you're in college you are no longer a high schooler. Time has gone by, things have changed. After college, you're a twenty-something trying to make it in the world, time has gone by, things have changed. Later you'll be 30, then 40, looking back on your life and musing about how quickly time flies. Why look back and realize you wasted time worrying about the inevitable?

    This was all kind of a mish-mosh of things running through my head, but I wanted to share because it's something that's been on my mind for awhile. If you got through this barrage of thoughts, thank you for reading until the end! And now I wonder: Do you have a hard time getting older? Do birthdays bother you? Or are you more in my boat, with each year being a badge of celebration? I'd love to hear from you. :)

    Happy Monday, everyone!Source URL: https://sweettattooforgirls.blogspot.com/2010/08/
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Music Monday

    I don't usually participate in this wonderful weekly blog feature that a lot of my pals partake in, but this week I thought I would give it a go. Music is a huge part of my life, and I don't think there's many instances where there isn't some form of music being played or created in our home. Recently, I've been listening to the same bands and the same albums over and over, so I thought I would recommend some of my old favorites, just in case any of them are new to you.

    The first band I'm sharing is one of my all-time favorite bands (musicians) from my younger years, Pedro the Lion. SO GOOD. I'm going to recommend his first (and in my opinion, the best) album, originally released in 1998 and then re-recorded and re-released in 2001 by Jade Tree. The album is called "It's Hard to Find a Friend" and has a million of my favorite songs on it. To me, this music is incredibly contemplative. It makes me want to lay in bed and just stare at the ceiling, think about life, and daydream. I hope you enjoy it too.

    Here are a couple songs from that album. Every song is amazing, so if you like it, I suggest downloading the whole thing! If you're viewing this post via Google Reader you'll need to actually click on my blog to see the playlist.

    Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

    Another band I've been non-stop listening to lately is one of my normal favorites, Lucero. Oh, Ben Nichols. His voice is so amazing and their songs are just so wonderful. Listening to them makes me want to go sit and swing on a front porch, in the middle of the summer somewhere in the South, and have an ice cold beer. Or whiskey. A few things wrong with this picture. One, we don't have a proper front porch or a swing, I live in Arizona, I don't drink beer or whiskey (pregnant or not)...and we're heading into fall. Oh well, a girl can dream. I bet that if you don't already LOVE this band you will soon.

    a few of my favorite songs from one of my favorite albums from this band (Tennessee):

    And last but not least I've been listening to St. Vincent an awful lot. My friend Elisa originally introduced me to this wonderful woman a long while back, and I really, really love her and her multiple instrument playing, beautiful singing self. My favorite album of hers is probably "Marry Me," released in 2007. Here are a couple of my favorite songs from that album.

    I hope all of you enjoyed this little music post, and I hope you have a fabulous Monday!Source URL: https://sweettattooforgirls.blogspot.com/2010/08/
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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Baby us

    Hank's Mom gave me some photos of Hank when he was a baby, and I fell in love with what an adorable little guy he was. I thought I'd grab a couple of me from my Mom, and share a few of both of us here. It's so fun to imagine what H. will look like, based on what we looked like as little ones! I think it's safe to say he'll have light hair, but really, you never know!

    Here's Hank:

    And here's me!

    Don't mind the naked baby-ness ;)

    that's me on the left, and my sister Lauren on the right! I wish I still had that dress.

    NoSource URL: https://sweettattooforgirls.blogspot.com/2010/08/
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28 weeks/7 month update

    Hello third trimester! It's pretty crazy to think I've been pregnant for 7 months at this point, and looking back, this time has seriously flown by. Henry has just a little bit longer in here, and then we will finally get to meet him. I love being pregnant. I've been very lucky to not have any of the dreaded pregnancy issues thus far and the past 28 weeks has been pretty smooth sailing. I'm curious to see if this continues into this last trimester or if I start to get the typical pregnancy aches and pains. The only thing out of the ordinary I've been physically dealing with is mild swelling of my feet and lower legs at the end of my work day, but it's a good excuse to put my feet up after school and relax a bit, so I can't complain! We begin seeing our doctor/midwife every two weeks for the next month or so, until we begin seeing her every week. Our birthing class start on September 13th, and I'm looking forward to seeing the birthing center for the first time- it's brand new and I've heard great things about it. I'm also in the beginning stages of writing out my birth plan, and it's been pretty interesting to research the entire process and make choices that are best for Hank, Henry and myself. I know for sure that I don't want any pain medication whatsoever, and as little "medical intervention" as possible. With that said, I am also going in with an open mind. Although I am set on natural childbirth, I know that so many things can happen, and I am prepared for my birth plan to be completely put to the side should something happen. My main goal is to deliver my son safely. But again, natural childbirth is really my goal and I know I can achieve it.

    With all of the good news about the house (fingers still crossed!), I've been getting into nursery planning mode. Here's our color scheme:

    nursery color palette

    We'll be having all white furniture from the crib to the changing table to the dresser, and we're planning on doing white bead boarding around the bottom portion of the wall, with gray paint on top, like this photo but just a different color paint obviously.

    We'll be going with gray/white as the main colors, with various pops of sage green mixed in. The fabric we're using for the curtains, crib skirt and a couple other accessories has been discontinued, but we luckily found an Etsy seller who still has a bolt. So hopefully that will work out, but if not I will be on a mad search for gray and white striped curtains/fabric. If any of you have seen any I'd absolutely love to be linked!

    My stomach has been growing a lot lately (along with my chest, which I really dislike but I know it's for the best), and since I haven't posted photos since week 25 you can see a bit of a difference! I can feel him move constantly and it's a lot more than flutters- he's quite the active little guy and moves around most in the early morning and late night. Hank and I are still so in awe that there is someone in there, and we spend every night just watching my belly move and being incredibly silly and happy...we're still in shock that WE MADE THAT! haha. I also need to take some full body shots soon. I'm not into the typical maternity photo shoot kinda thing but I'll probably utilize my full-length mirror sometime soon.

    28 weeks/7 months!

    28 weeks front

    28 weeks other side

    This week Henry is also the size of a Chinese cabbage (whatever that is!). I swear, these fruit and veggie comparisons are getting weirder and weirder!

    By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to her heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

    Your baby is settling into the proper position for birth, with his head facing downward (toward your body's nearest exit!). Your little work in progress is now about 2.5 pounds and almost 16 inches long. He's busy adding new skills such as blinking to an already impressive repertoire of tricks like coughing, sucking, hiccuping, and taking practice breaths. Your baby's sleep now includes the REM (rapid eye movement) phase — and that means he could be dreaming already (what do you suppose he's dreaming about?). Though his lungs are nearly fully mature (so both of you might breathe a little easier if he were born now), your baby still has plenty of growing to do.

    I'm also so excited for my baby shower! My sister will be sending out the invites in a week or two, and I can't wait to see what my family and friends put together for this event. I'm just really looking forward to spending a day with all of my loved ones. Next weekend Hank and I are making a trip down to Phoenix for a day to pick out our nursery furniture, courtesy of my wonderful Grandma, and to get a few things at various places while we're down. I seriously can't wait to go into Babies R Us again, that's where we are registered and every time I go in I get beyond excited. The clock is definitely ticking down and Henry will be here before we know it! I have so much to do that I try not to feel overwhelmed with all of it, but I know it will all come together.

    So, here's to 7 months of wonderful baby-growing, and a few more of finishing up the job! I can't wait to meet him. Have a great day, and thank you so much (as always!) for stopping by.

    Click To Vote For Us @ Top Baby Blogs Directory!Source URL: https://sweettattooforgirls.blogspot.com/2010/08/
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Friday, August 20, 2010

Hello Friday!

    Thanks so, so much for all of your kind words and positive thoughts about our inspection! It went very well and we are good to go. Now we just have a termite inspection on Monday and we are hopefully off and running towards our closing date. Like I mentioned in yesterday's post I hadn't even seen the entire house, and we hadn't seen it for a month or two since our first and only visit, so it was fantastic to be able to walk through it, and imagine US living in every room. It's a lot bigger space than we're used to, so it's almost shocking to think about having all of that room to make our own! I can't wait. I didn't want to take tons of photos until it's cleared out and ready to move in and it's actually ours, but I did snap a photo of part of the kitchen. I'm so weird and still feel like all of a sudden the bank will say, "Oh just kidding we DON'T accept your offer!" even though we are past that part and safe. I hate worrying but it's hard when you are so excited about something!

    I just keep imagining all of the wonderful meals, sweets and treats we will be cooking in that great space. Hank and I are so excited to have our friends over for dinner (we'll finally have a proper dining room), and all of the holiday baking I'll have space to do. To give you a bit of a comparison, here is our teeny, tiny kitchen now:

    our little kitchen!

    Yes, that little green counter top is seriously the ONLY counter space we currently have. As you probably know, we cook and bake a lot and somehow make it work, but I am just over the moon happy about having so much more space to work with. Like I said yesterday, this is our "first home," in the sense of being homeowners, so it's a big deal for us and I'm glad we were so patient. I know I won't feel 110% secure that this is truly OUR house until we have the keys in our hand on our closing date, but unless something insane happens (ie, termites eating the house alive), I'm getting more used to the idea. :) It's just hard for me to think anything is definite until the process is truly done and over with. It's funny because our realtor today was like, "Yes, Danielle it's okay to get excited now" because she knows how cautious I am. Still crossing my fingers and looking forward to the day I can just sit in the new place and breath a sigh of relief! ...and then get straight to work getting the house together before Henry arrives! haha. But really, thank you again for all of the positive energy! I definitely think it helped.

    It's amazing right now because in the blog world there are so many wonderful things happening for so many of my friends. One had a baby today, one announced her pregnancy, one found a great new place to rent, another is engaged, and another is starting a new career! That's one of the reasons I just love reading personal blogs- there's always so much good to share in, and at the same time when there's some bad, there's always a great support system. It's a beautiful little world we have here.

    With that said, I hope all of you have a wonderful night! I'm excited for an extremely laid back weekend full of rest and relaxation. Until next time!Source URL: https://sweettattooforgirls.blogspot.com/2010/08/
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday night update

    What a week! It's truly been a roller-coaster these past few days, and luckily it seems to be ending on a very great note. If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you'd know that Hank and I have been house hunting since last spring. We have pretty specific things we want, and it's hard living in a small town because there aren't as many houses for sale that fall into our specifications. Although we're in a bit of a time crunch (12 weeks until our baby is due), we still didn't want to settle at all. Plus, this is our first time buying a house and we really wanted to take our time and do it right. So we've been looking, and looking...and looking. Almost two months ago a home popped into our listing cart at midnight, and of course I was awake and immediately got excited. It was exactly what we wanted. It was seriously perfect for us, and had so much more than we wanted with no negatives that we could see. I got Hank and showed him all the photos, and emailed our realtor. We ended up going over there first thing in the morning, absolutely falling in love with it, and submitting our offer that same day. We were so fast that no one else even went to see the house before we submitted our offer (with a stipulation in the contract that they couldn't accept any other offers/contracts), and the agent told us that the next day about 20 different people called about it, so I'm so thankful we got there right away. Being that it was a short sale we had no idea how it would pan out. It could take months and months for something to happen, so we continued to look. It was hard because nothing matched up to "that" house, but we kept our search going. Little by little our short sale house started to move along. And to make a long story short, the bank accepted our offer! We found out earlier this week, but the house was set to go to auction, so we had to get that taken care of. Apparently even though the bank approved our offer, sometimes houses can get inadvertently sold at auction like this if someone drops the ball. Luckily that was cleared up today, before the auction date, which happens to be tomorrow! Our last hurdle is the inspection, which originally was happening on Monday but is now happening tomorrow! I'm really excited to see the house again, and hopefully hear that it's in great shape and we can move forward. Being that it's almost brand new and it's hardly been lived in I am hoping the inspection goes smoothly, but I'd appreciate any and all positive thoughts being sent our way (tomorrow at 10am Arizona time! haha). ;)

    I'm just SO excited. To be able to have a HOME to welcome Henry into, to be able to stop renting, to have a garden in the big backyard, to have so much space and so many rooms, to be able to finally get the furniture I want, to decorate, I'm kind of dying a little just thinking about it. We've been renting for six years now and started off living in a teeny tiny studio, and shared a TWIN BED for a year. So you could say we are very excited for this big step.

    In other news, school is going very well. It's definitely my best year yet and the kids are so fun. I'm having a great time. This week I've been really overwhelmed with everything going on, and I owe about five of my friends phone calls, so I'm looking forward to getting comfortable this weekend and making some time for that. Hank also had a basketball game tonight (they won, yeah!), and it was so fun to watch him and our friends have a great time. Now they're all downtown have celebratory drinks, and I'm sure Hank is enjoying a Shirley Temple. ha.

    Here's a little collage from some photos from this week:

    my week

    each row from left to right: my handsome breakfast date at Cuppers, waiting for a basketball game to start, flowers in our front yard, my giveaway win from Merry Made Handmade, the Pink Team wins again!, driving/looking like a bug with those huge glasses, cuties lounging on the couch, baked potato with broccoli- so good, vintage tee for Henry, gifted by the lovely Ashley, Mike's b-ball legs, tonight's game, a present for Henry from Kat and Oliver!

    Here's a bigger version of their team photo, it's so cute!

    team Pink!

    I mentioned in the caption but I want to give a HUGE thank you to Ashley over at Merry Made Handmade for sending over the biggest box of goodies for me (and even adding in a present for Henry!). I won a giveaway over there a week or so ago and I was so excited to see a cute little package from her. I opened it, and it was chock full of so many awesome things. Definitely stop by her blog if you don't already- she is a Phoenix gal who runs her own business, and she's the sweetest little gal in the world. Click here to head over to her blog. So I was just blown away by that wonderful package, but then Hank tells me I have another box waiting for me, and inside I find the cutest Seahorse toy for Henry, from my darling friend Kat and her son Oliver. I love it so much and I know H. will love falling asleep to his "Soothe and Glow Seahorse." :) I have the sweetest friends- thank you both SO very much. My heart is so happy.

    That's it for now, but I will be back this weekend with a pregnancy update, and the second part to my "10 Things I've Learned in my 20s" post. Have a great night!Source URL: https://sweettattooforgirls.blogspot.com/2010/08/
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tattoo Tuesday V.31

    This week I am happy to feature the adorable Ashleigh! She is a fellow tattooed mama-to-be, and if you don't already regularly stop by to read her posts, you definitely need to pop over and say hello! The heading on her blog says, "The ramblings of a snowboarder from southeast Alaska who loves tattoos, snow, cupcakes, antique furniture, retro/mod housewares, thrifting, crafting, green tea, apple pie, cashmere, music, photography, collecting.....and lots lots more..." so if that doesn't intrigue you, I don't know what will! Happy reading, and thanks again Ashleigh for being our 31st feature here on Tattoo Tuesday.

    Name and blog name:
    Ashleigh Ewing / http://danashleighewing.blogspot.com

    Age: 25

    Occupation: I slang coffee in a cold rainy city

    Age of first tattoo: 19

    Favorite tattoo: This is a tough one, I love all my tattoo's so much. But if I had to pick just one it would be the tattoo on my upper right arm that says "I love my Husband"

    Featured tattoo/location: Small girl in giant flower garden, left arm.

    Artist/shop/location of featured tattoo: My good friend Milo Irish / Pair-A-dice Tattoo / Juneau Alaska

    1) Tell us about the tattoo you are sharing with us- is there a background story or special meaning? Why did you choose this particular piece of art?

    This tattoo was a slow process and was thought of as I was getting the work done. It started out with two lilies on my left shoulder and shoulder blade. I loved the two lilies but wanted something more so we added two more lilies down my left upper arm and continued to add more and more for months. I used to dream on this tattoo and what it would eventually become. I finally figured out I wanted a little girl in a giant flower garden. Once I decided on that I made appointments to add more kinds of flower and eventually the little girl. I started this tattoo in late 2006 and finally finished it this last spring. It is the only "finished" tattoo on my body!

    2) Do you have any other tattoos? If so, what do you have and where?

    Owl / Chest / Jerry Ware / Portland Oregon
    Peacock Feather / upper inner left arm/ Milo Irish / Juneau Alaska
    "I Love My Husband" / upper right arm / Milo Irish / Juneau Alaska
    81 Stars / lower stomach, left hip, left side, upper back, right shoulder, right collar bone, chest, feet, right wrist/ Milo Irish / Juneau Alaska
    "Dream as if you will live forever, live as if you will die tomorrow" / right rib panel/ Milo Irish / Juneau Alaska
    "Treasure the Bullshit" / upper left leg / Milo Irish / Juneau Alaska
    Diamond with a "D" (for Dan) / left right finger / Stevie G / Juneau Alaska
    "AK" (for Alaska) / lower back rib panel right side / Stevie G / Juneau Alaska

    3) Do you plan on getting more?

    Always. I plan to do more on my chest, my right arm, one of my legs if not both, and the rest of my back. Lots of work to be done!

    4) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoo(s)? Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them?

    My Dad paid for my first tattoo as a birthday gift and has paid for one every birthday since! As far as my friends and other family, the majority of them have tattoos as well. I have gotten snotty looks, rude questions and remarks but for the most part the reaction of strangers is positive.

    5) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet?

    Research your artist and really think about what your going to get. Meet with your artist to discuss what you want before your appointment. Also have your artist make sketches for you to approve before anything is put on your body. Never be embarrassed or shy to ask the artist to change something. Remember its on YOUR body forever, not theirs. If they make a big deal about changing something on the sketch consider finding someone else.

    Source URL: https://sweettattooforgirls.blogspot.com/2010/08/
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