This weekend was really excellent and really busy! I enjoyed another three-day weekend, and on Friday I went down to Phoenix to spend time with Autumn and family, who were in Scottsdale house hunting. I am so, so excited that they are actually moving was hard to go from seeing someone so often to having them move eight hours away, but we still made it work and managed to see each all the time. Having the Loops just down the mountain makes me so happy, and even happier because once baby boy is born in February I will have a little nephew to play with also! So I made it down to Phoenix to Alana's house and got to spend the afternoon hanging with my girlfriends, my second mom Libby (Autumn's mama), and Chloe!
puffy, ruffly dress for the fall :D

I love this dress' cute ruffle detail!

Chloe and her adorable smile

She is getting so big!

pretty baby...look at those eyes!

Grammy and Chloe

Auntie Erin

We decided to do Pita Jungle for dinner, which was delicious as usual! I got the Macro Platter like I always do. Everytime we go I think I want to branch out, but I never do because it's so good. Add some Siracha and you're set!

Erin and Shirl

Erin and me! For some reason I didn't snap any photos of Alana or Autumn, :(.

After dinner I drove back up to Prescott, because our friends Ben and Kati had already arrived from San Diego to stay with us for the weekend. Friday night was a pretty relaxing night- Ben, Kati, Lance, Hank and I played Apples to Apples and spent the evening just laughing and talking. It was such a good time.
Ben, Hank, Madeline

Whenever Madeline's lip gets caught on her teeth it's the cutest/funniest thing in the world.

Saturday morning we woke up and Kati and I did some food shopping, I went to the gym, then we all went to Hugo's for dinner. I have to say that the burrito I had was hands down the best Hugo's burrito (and quite possibly the best burrito) I've ever had, which is saying a lot! I was so excited I ate the whole thing. My stomach was not happy but I felt better a few hours later. I just ate waaay too much food though, oops. After dinner K. and I got ready for the evening and walked down to check out an acoustic show at Calavera and grabbed some green teas on our walk. It was a beautiful night and it was really nice to be able to share it with my friend, walking and talking and enjoying each other's company. When we got back to the house we all watched a super interesting show on the prison system and finally peeled ourselves away to head over to Sundance's so the dudes could play a show. Our old and used to be best friend Andrew came out and it was SO GOOD to see him. He is married with a couple of kids and we never, ever see him so it was really the best thing to be able to give him a huge hug and spend time catching up. I hope he starts to hang out a lot more like he used to. The show was okay, I am not the biggest fan of HOTW playing there but it was still a fun time with friends and good music. After the show a bunch of us came back to our house and watched the VMAs. Weird, I know, but I hadn't seen it all the way through yet so it was pretty interesting.
Here's me! Hi :)

I need to stop wearing this belt with everything. I officially retired it this morning for a week!

crazy Madeline!

old, old friends!

This morning we woke up super late (I love Sundays!) and decided to venture out to get some lunch. Ben and Kati are vegan, so we had a very short list of options on a Sunday, and ended up at the Brew Pub. Afterward we walked around, went to the candy shop, then visited Addy at work. The weather today was absolutely amazing and perfect for being outdoors. We walked back home around noon and our friends headed back to San Diego...Hank, Madeline and I were definitely sad to see them go. I spent the rest of the afternoon running errands, and as soon as I conclude this entry I am going to do a little bit of housecleaning and start winding down for this next work week! I am intent on visiting this gym at 5am every morning this week so I need to start going to be by 9pm every night, tonight being the first! Tomorrow afternoon Robyn and I are going on a hike in the Dells which I am super excited about too. I need some nature time.
Here are some photos from today- I brought the Nikon D60 out, and it reminded me that I need to take the nicer camera with me whenever I go out! I always forget.
Ben and Kati

Ben and Hank, walking down our street

the leaves are starting to turn!

on our walk we ran into our friend John and his awesome bulldog Fred! He is such a cutie.


Courthouse Square

September sky!

candy shop

tired us

very odd postcard I found in the candy store

Addy, hard at work

So, like I said earlier, it was an amazing weekend. I know this post was really long so thanks for reading if you made it this far! As I was writing this I was thinking about how much I enjoy documenting and looking back on so many things in our life, and how neat the whole blogging experience is. As of yesterday I have 101 followers (although those are just registered followers via blogspot), and it was neat to see that my list had grown to be so large. So thank you again for taking to the time to read what I write! You all are the best!
Have a wonderful night and a fabulous week!
Source URL: sweet tattoo for girls wallpaper for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection