Another week, and still feeling really, really good! Hank and I keep laughing because we'll go go go all day long and all of a sudden I'll be hit with this insane wave of exhaustion out of nowhere. It's so funny to us because we seriously forget that I'm pregnant every single day. I'm thinking once I have a bump it will be harder to forget but right now if we aren't discussing something baby related it's completely out of our minds! So weird. Yesterday was one of those days where we did so much and I felt great, until 9pm hit and I fell asleep sitting up. Too funny.
I didn't bring my camera out unfortunately, but it was a really fun day that started fairly early with a walk over to the coffee shop so Hank could get a cup of coffee. We walked around a bit downtown- they were having a huge dog festival and it was the cutest thing. There were hundreds of dogs, a huge doggy buffet lunch out of dog bowls, paw art you and your dog could create and bring home, tons of vendors, exhibitions with police dogs and name it, it was there! All of the dogs were so happy, wagging their tails, smiling. It melted my heart. We explored for a bit then decided to grab lunch at Hugo's. I got a green corn tamale with veggies and Hank got two bean tacos. Seriously delicious. Afterward we headed over to Target to pick up a few odds and ends, then went to Harkins to meet Hank's Mom and step-dad to see Iron Man 2. I usually really love comic book/superhero movies, and I did like Iron Man, but Iron Man 2 was just okay in my opinion. Hank really liked it though, and that was all that mattered to me. I figure now he owes me a Nicolas Sparks or other girly-movie date in the future! haha.
After the movie we headed to the gym, and after a really great workout, we went over to Bill's Pizza to grab some dinner. Our good friend/Hank's band-mate Pat was working and it was great to see him as always. He's going to Spain next week and I am SO excited for him. He's doing France too and all the awesome touristy things. I really can't wait to see photos! But anyway, Bill's is a really delicious downtown pizza spot a stone's throw from our house and right on the square. Bill makes amazing pizza- wholesome, fresh ingredients and they have this TO-DIE-FOR spring greens, spinach, cranberry, feta cheese (pasteurized for the pregnancy police that frequent this blog and my formspring! haha), almonds, and balsamic. So good. They had live music going (Willie Nelson covers! Yes!) so it was just a really nice evening. And before I forget, a few people have asked for a better photo of the dress I wore yesterday in those photos. Excuse my weird facial expression, but here it is! The dress is from Urban Outfitters last summer- I bought it while we were visiting Burlington, Vermont.

When we got home I seriously passed out and fell asleep around 10pm. I woke up this morning around 10am feeling incredibly refreshed and wonderful. It makes me happy to know that in four short days I can sleep in every single day until school starts again in August. Some of you may follow me on Twitter (click here) and saw that I was going back and forth about returning to work next year before the baby arrives, since it's just for 9-11 weeks depending on how I feel. I made a decision, and I've decided to go back and work until the baby arrives. That means the birth will be covered by double insurance (both Hank's that I'm on, and mine), so it works out so, so well financially. I also think that I may get pretty bored not working June-November with no baby to take care of. We are also still house hunting and hoping to find something we love by the fall. There's so many great properties up here and I know it will happen sooner than later.
Today is going to be a pretty relaxing day. Right now I am figuring out dates for our Hawaii trip in June to celebrate our wedding anniversary, it's a pretty last minute trip but I seriously can't WAIT to go. Hank still hasn't seen the house (just his Mom and I went last month), so I'm super excited. I'm looking forward to a romantic week on the beach, relaxing on our deck, enjoying the pool, and cooking yummy food. Counting down. ANNNND tonight is the LOST finale! After investing 6 years of our life into this show, Hank and I are both sad and excited to see how it ends. Bittersweet for sure.
Speaking of television, while I was sick in bed last week I got into a new television series and fell so in love with it. It's hard to believe I hadn't seen it sooner, given my total fascination with this time period, but The Tudors has completely entranced me and I highly, highly recommend it! The first two seasons are currently on Netflix Instant Play.
So his week leads into both Hank and my birthday week (his June 1st, mine May 29th), our wedding anniversary (May 31st), Shirley's birthday celebration, the last week of school, and the start of summer! Can't wait. I'm excited to spend a lot of time down in Phoenix this summer, swimming at Autumn's new house and hanging out with my girls. If any of you are teachers you understand the extreme giddiness that is felt during the end of the school year- it's seriously like being a kid again!
As far as how I've been feeling with the pregnancy, I've been doing very well. Feeling great, besides this pesky cold I caught last week, but now I am back to healthy. I got back in the gym this weekend and I'm feeling great. We learn the baby's gender on June 25th which is just about a month away! I'm so excited. Hank still thinks the baby is a boy but I'm not sure. I don't have a strong feeling one way or the other.
This week Baby H is the size of an orange!

I also had a couple of questions for for Mama friends:
1) Did you have a feeling that your little one was a boy or girl? Were you right? Did any of the "old wives' tales" ring true for you? Like no morning sickness = boy, etc.?
2) At what point did you have trouble sleeping? Do you recommend any type of pillow or sleeping support? I'm sleeping wonderfully still but I'm definitely curious for when the time comes.
3) At the "big" 20 week ultrasound when they do the gender reveal, what else do they check? I forgot to ask our doctor last time and I was wondering. I've looking online at my usual go-to websites (babycenter and thebump), but there's always tons of conflicting info.
Oh, and don't forget I have a formspring- I've answered 562 questions as of today, and it's a fun way to interact with all of you! You can use the box on the left hand side of my blog or go here:
I hope everyone has a beautiful, wonderful Sunday. All my love!
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Visit sweet tattoo for girls wallpaper for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
I didn't bring my camera out unfortunately, but it was a really fun day that started fairly early with a walk over to the coffee shop so Hank could get a cup of coffee. We walked around a bit downtown- they were having a huge dog festival and it was the cutest thing. There were hundreds of dogs, a huge doggy buffet lunch out of dog bowls, paw art you and your dog could create and bring home, tons of vendors, exhibitions with police dogs and name it, it was there! All of the dogs were so happy, wagging their tails, smiling. It melted my heart. We explored for a bit then decided to grab lunch at Hugo's. I got a green corn tamale with veggies and Hank got two bean tacos. Seriously delicious. Afterward we headed over to Target to pick up a few odds and ends, then went to Harkins to meet Hank's Mom and step-dad to see Iron Man 2. I usually really love comic book/superhero movies, and I did like Iron Man, but Iron Man 2 was just okay in my opinion. Hank really liked it though, and that was all that mattered to me. I figure now he owes me a Nicolas Sparks or other girly-movie date in the future! haha.
After the movie we headed to the gym, and after a really great workout, we went over to Bill's Pizza to grab some dinner. Our good friend/Hank's band-mate Pat was working and it was great to see him as always. He's going to Spain next week and I am SO excited for him. He's doing France too and all the awesome touristy things. I really can't wait to see photos! But anyway, Bill's is a really delicious downtown pizza spot a stone's throw from our house and right on the square. Bill makes amazing pizza- wholesome, fresh ingredients and they have this TO-DIE-FOR spring greens, spinach, cranberry, feta cheese (pasteurized for the pregnancy police that frequent this blog and my formspring! haha), almonds, and balsamic. So good. They had live music going (Willie Nelson covers! Yes!) so it was just a really nice evening. And before I forget, a few people have asked for a better photo of the dress I wore yesterday in those photos. Excuse my weird facial expression, but here it is! The dress is from Urban Outfitters last summer- I bought it while we were visiting Burlington, Vermont.
When we got home I seriously passed out and fell asleep around 10pm. I woke up this morning around 10am feeling incredibly refreshed and wonderful. It makes me happy to know that in four short days I can sleep in every single day until school starts again in August. Some of you may follow me on Twitter (click here) and saw that I was going back and forth about returning to work next year before the baby arrives, since it's just for 9-11 weeks depending on how I feel. I made a decision, and I've decided to go back and work until the baby arrives. That means the birth will be covered by double insurance (both Hank's that I'm on, and mine), so it works out so, so well financially. I also think that I may get pretty bored not working June-November with no baby to take care of. We are also still house hunting and hoping to find something we love by the fall. There's so many great properties up here and I know it will happen sooner than later.
Today is going to be a pretty relaxing day. Right now I am figuring out dates for our Hawaii trip in June to celebrate our wedding anniversary, it's a pretty last minute trip but I seriously can't WAIT to go. Hank still hasn't seen the house (just his Mom and I went last month), so I'm super excited. I'm looking forward to a romantic week on the beach, relaxing on our deck, enjoying the pool, and cooking yummy food. Counting down. ANNNND tonight is the LOST finale! After investing 6 years of our life into this show, Hank and I are both sad and excited to see how it ends. Bittersweet for sure.
Speaking of television, while I was sick in bed last week I got into a new television series and fell so in love with it. It's hard to believe I hadn't seen it sooner, given my total fascination with this time period, but The Tudors has completely entranced me and I highly, highly recommend it! The first two seasons are currently on Netflix Instant Play.
So his week leads into both Hank and my birthday week (his June 1st, mine May 29th), our wedding anniversary (May 31st), Shirley's birthday celebration, the last week of school, and the start of summer! Can't wait. I'm excited to spend a lot of time down in Phoenix this summer, swimming at Autumn's new house and hanging out with my girls. If any of you are teachers you understand the extreme giddiness that is felt during the end of the school year- it's seriously like being a kid again!
As far as how I've been feeling with the pregnancy, I've been doing very well. Feeling great, besides this pesky cold I caught last week, but now I am back to healthy. I got back in the gym this weekend and I'm feeling great. We learn the baby's gender on June 25th which is just about a month away! I'm so excited. Hank still thinks the baby is a boy but I'm not sure. I don't have a strong feeling one way or the other.
This week Baby H is the size of an orange!
Your Baby: Week 15
Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements.
I also had a couple of questions for for Mama friends:
1) Did you have a feeling that your little one was a boy or girl? Were you right? Did any of the "old wives' tales" ring true for you? Like no morning sickness = boy, etc.?
2) At what point did you have trouble sleeping? Do you recommend any type of pillow or sleeping support? I'm sleeping wonderfully still but I'm definitely curious for when the time comes.
3) At the "big" 20 week ultrasound when they do the gender reveal, what else do they check? I forgot to ask our doctor last time and I was wondering. I've looking online at my usual go-to websites (babycenter and thebump), but there's always tons of conflicting info.
Oh, and don't forget I have a formspring- I've answered 562 questions as of today, and it's a fun way to interact with all of you! You can use the box on the left hand side of my blog or go here:
I hope everyone has a beautiful, wonderful Sunday. All my love!
Visit sweet tattoo for girls wallpaper for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
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