I look so creepy with my sunglasses on inside but in my defense we were just stepping out the door! haha.
Today is the start of my weekend and I couldn't be happier! I have just twelve more full days of school beginning Monday and then summer vacation is upon us! Hank and I are really happy about that! Today at work was pretty run of the mill. It's nice to begin wrapping up the year, getting final projects assigned and graded, and basically closing shop. It came to my attention today that some random students from the high school that I don't even know read my blog, so they knew of my pregnancy and informed some other students. Obviously my pregnancy isn't a secret, but I still find it a little weird and pretty creepy. Alas, this is indeed public so I can't complain but it's still annoying. It's things like this that make me consider making this blog private, and also feel glad I won't be a teacher in a small town for much longer.
More on work: I've been thinking a lot more about my job, and I realized that I don't really enjoy it anymore, to be quite honest. I find it really boring to teach the same thing, five times a day, and then repeat every year after that. I don't feel appreciated as a teacher, both as an employee, monetarily, but also in the community. With the recent events surrounding our state's budget crisis, cutbacks, and lay offs, it is definitely not a good time to be a teacher. I often try and see the good in what I do. I make positive posts, I talk about how much I enjoy working with kids...and I definitely do, but that is just a small part of the job. I do believe I was able to enjoy my job knowing that I was going to be stopping once we had children. Having a time stamp on it made it quite pleasant, because I knew it wasn't forever, I knew I wouldn't have to work until I was in my sixties and ready to retire. Now that it is coming to an end, I almost feel like my blinders are off in a way and there are days when I think that I'd prefer not to go back at all in the beginning of next year, as I'm planning to do. I know a lot of you are teachers-to-be, either studying education in college, or hoping to become a teacher one day, and this post is not meant to discourage. I just mean to convey that I don't believe it is for me anymore, and that I am quite ready to be done. I feel so fortunate that I was able to do something for five years that I typically enjoyed, and I got to affect kids' lives in a positive way. And who knows how I will feel if I do indeed follow through with my current decision to work the three months next year, and then leave. I'm sure I'll be sad. Since I've begun this blog though, and since I was in college, I've always discussed how optimistic I was about one day being a stay-at-home mom or housewife. That was my number one aspiration in life, and although some women find this to be "un-feminist," I feel that making this choice and furthermore having this choice, is quite feminist. My mama friends are split pretty evenly between working mothers and stay at home mothers. I respect both of these groups a lot. It's interesting to see already that people have such an opinion on working vs. stay at home parenting. I've been "publicly pregnant" for a few days now and I've already received way too much unsolicited, pushy, opinionated advice from people! It's insane.
In fact, today a woman at work mentioned that she heard a rumor that I was pregnant and then mentioned how I was "looking a lot thicker," "putting on a lot of fat," and was glad to know I was pregnant and wasn't just gaining tons of weight! What nerve, huh? I was blown away and when I mentioned this on Twitter, I was shocked to find that this is pretty common ground for pregnant women. Rude comments, unsolicited advice, etc. I guess I better prepare myself, huh? ;)
Other than that, it was a pretty uneventful day. But a good one. I came home and watched Rosemary's Baby. I love that movie so much, and Mia Farrow is just the prettiest thing. I adore her wardrobe in the movie and wish I could have it all! The rest of my night consists of the gym, then getting a good night's sleep! I'm exhausted.
On the pregnancy side of things, I am getting more and more ecstatic about this little darling baby that is getting bigger everyday. Tomorrow I will be heading into my 13th week and I couldn't be happier. I think it's the 13th. Tomorrow marks 12 weeks, so then the next week would be the 13th, counting up to next Thursday, right? I counted on my calendar this way and it seems right. It's just insane how fast the first 3 months went, and I can't even imagine how fast the next two trimesters will go. I've been feeling really, really great physically but still very up and down emotionally, as usual. Nothing too bad, but I get annoyed pretty easily and I would say my level of irritability is a lot higher. Sorry, Hank! haha. :)
In a couple of days, the baby should be the size of a peach!

This weekend should be fun! I'm spending a lot of it with Autumn and family, and also with my Mom for Mother's Day. I'm excited to have some down time at their house with no plans or places to be. Sometimes when I come to Phoenix I am totally overwhelmed with visiting people, making time for so many people that I love, that my "get away" turns into an exhausting weekend. And since I'm so tired now, I refuse to put myself in that position! Friday night will be a quiet night with my two very best friends and I couldn't be happier! I also really hope to see "Babies" this weekend- how adorable does that look!?
It's funny because my 10 year high school reunion is this Saturday, right down the street from my parents, and like I've written before, I have absolutely NO interest in going. In high school, you'd think I would have loved to attend since I was all about student council, activities, etc., but now, not so much. I despise small talk, and I can't even bear to think about doing so with so many people I haven't talked to in ten years! Talk about a nightmare! I definitely feel like I keep in touch with the people I'd like to keep in touch with, and I definitely don't need to spend $100 to reconnect with people I'd rather not reconnect with. I know that might sound kind of harsh, but I really feel that high school was high school, and now is now. I don't need to relive or rehash old memories. I make new memories with a few people I still hang out with, and through those times I can remember the old. So yes, I will definitely be skipping it on Saturday...even though I was part of the planning committee! haha. Oh well.
I also can't even explain how happy I am to feel motivated to blog again. I think it has a lot to do with keeping the biggest excitement and such a huge part of my life a secret for awhile! Now that I'm able to discuss being pregnant, I feel happier about typing all of this out. I've also been getting a lot of friend requests on Facebook from blog readers, and also messages asking me why I deleted them. You have to understand that I need a level of privacy in my life, something that isn't for all the world to see, and I am using that venue for that purpose. If you add me, I will deny the request, and it's nothing personal, but I am keeping it to people I know in real life. I will continue to blog here, and I also have a public Twitter you are welcome to follow! :)
OH OH! I also made a little poll up there in the right hand corner about the gender of little baby Hampton! I'd love it if you voted.
And one more thing, my friend Ashley is hosting a really fun event this Saturday to celebrate the grand opening of her new shop downtown. Unfortunately I am unable to attend but I thought I would pass along the information to any of you Phoenix locals.
The shop is located at 908 N. 6th St. Phoenix, AZ 85004 :)
Housed within Butter Toast Boutique, Merry May Handmade offers craft supplies and classes, handmade goods, and vintage knick-nacks. We strive to foster the growth of the modern craft movement in Phoenix by spreading our love of all things handmade, promoting crafters who are making an impact on the DIY revlution and making a difference in our world, and showing folks how rewarding it is to create something from nothing.
Come to the party to see what is in store!! We will have live music, craft fair, a bake sale, and MORE! Not to mention some awesome sales on Butter Toast merchandise--50% off all Sale items, 30% off all Winter items, and 10% off all the rest!
Live Music includes...
John Rhodes (acoustic) - 2pm
Jordan Warner (acoustic) - 3pm
Matthew Gilbert TBA
Brenden Cottrell (acoustic) - 5pm
Zach - 6pm
POEM -7pm
GHOST - 8pm
DJ Kyle Simone - 9pm
Let me know if you decide to stop by, and be sure to say hi to Ashley for me!
Have a great night. I'll leave you with some photos from Autumn's house last weekend! :)
Chloe and her lollipop from Uncle Hank
baby Carter!
Visit sweet tattoo for girls wallpaper for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
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